Ballpoint - Pacific Spiny Dogfish
KJ Swan
Blonde Sea Nettle
KJ Swan
US Navy Mark V Diving Helmet
KJ Swan
Canary Rockfish - Saved From Extinction
KJ Swan
Cold-Eyes - Southern Pacific Rattlesnake
KJ Swan
Green-spotted Triangle Butterfly
KJ Swan
There's A Bee In My Eye - Black-eyed Susan, Lake Arrowhead, CA
KJ Swan
Flying Through Seattle
KJ Swan
California Kiss - Sea Lions
KJ Swan
Green Tree Python
KJ Swan
Orange bells - Golden Longwing on Apricot Mallow
KJ Swan
Wild Captive - Mojave Green Rattlesnake
KJ Swan
Sea-flower - Anemone
KJ Swan
Crazy Cute - Tawny Frogmouth
KJ Swan
Bloody-Belly Comb Jelly
KJ Swan
Hidden Elk in Black and White - Redwood National Park
KJ Swan
The Beautiful Sea Goddess - Spotted comb jelly
KJ Swan
Hug-A-Tree - Bluewing Butterfly
KJ Swan
Flash - Giant Pacific Octopus
KJ Swan
Water Ballet - California Purple Striped Jelly
KJ Swan
Out For A Stroll, Great Blue Heron - Merced National Wildlife Refuge, California
KJ Swan
Swallowtail - Too Much Of A Good Thing
KJ Swan
Golden Refuge - Merced National Wildlife Refuge California
KJ Swan
Nightlight - Mauve Stinger Jelly
KJ Swan
Good Morning - Burrowing Owl
KJ Swan
Licking a Lollipop - White Peacock on Lollipop Plant
KJ Swan
The Red Baron - Flame Dragonfly
KJ Swan
Pollen-smoothie -Tiger Longwing
KJ Swan
Old Needlenose - Pacific Spiny Dogfish
KJ Swan
1928 Isotta Fraschini - Nethercutt Museum, California
KJ Swan
Shades of Gray - San Francisco Skyline
KJ Swan
Late Winter Clothes - Willow Ptarmigan
KJ Swan
Azure - Blue-tailed Skink
KJ Swan
After the Dance - Clark's Grebe
KJ Swan
Buddha Light - Japanese Tea Garden, San Francisco
KJ Swan
Brushy-foot - Numata longwing
KJ Swan
Serval - Extreme Hunter
KJ Swan
Moonshine, Moon Jelly
KJ Swan
Suspended - Red Flame Skimmer
KJ Swan
Egret Hill - Merced National Wildlife Refuge, CA
KJ Swan
Giant Red-tailed Catfish in Black and White
KJ Swan
Pink-spotted Cattleheart - Swallowtail
KJ Swan
Nose First - Wild Moose, Anchorage Coastal Wildlife Refuge
KJ Swan
Colorless - Fried-Egg Jellyfish
KJ Swan
Wicked In Winter - European Crane Fly
KJ Swan
Old-Lady Anemone, California
KJ Swan
Purple-Stripes in Black and White
KJ Swan
Mouthful - Roosevelt Elk, Redwood National Park
KJ Swan
Heading Upstream - Chinook Salmon
KJ Swan
On Bryant Pond, Maine
KJ Swan
Royalty - King Salmon
KJ Swan
Giant Green Anemone with Photosynthetic Symbionts
KJ Swan
Tangled - Egg-Yolk Jellyfish
KJ Swan
Golden Eyes - Great Horned Owl
KJ Swan
1957 Chevy Bowtie
KJ Swan
It Isn't Easy Being Green - Giant Green Sea Anemone
KJ Swan
Lone Oak, California
KJ Swan
Alien Terrace - Mammoth Hot Springs,Yellowstone
KJ Swan
Elk In The Redwoods - Redwood National Park, CA
KJ Swan
Loggerhead Sea Turtle - Scripps Inst. of Oceanography, CA
KJ Swan
Shallow - Latourell Falls, Oregon
KJ Swan
Ampullae of Lorenzini - Shark
KJ Swan
Elegant - California Red-Shouldered Hawk
KJ Swan
Red Spines - Barrel Cactus
KJ Swan
Inspiring Spire - Sundial Bridge, California
KJ Swan