Out For A Stroll, Great Blue Heron - Merced National Wildlife Refuge, California

by KJ Swan
Out For A Stroll, Great Blue Heron - Merced National Wildlife Refuge, California
KJ Swan
Great Blue Herons are the largest herons in North America, typically seen along coastlines, in marshes, or near the shores of ponds or streams. Herons snare their aquatic prey by walking slowly, or standing still for long periods of time and waiting for fish to come within range of their long necks and blade-like bills. The deathblow is delivered with a quick thrust of the sharp bill, and the prey is swallowed whole. This heron was out for a stroll at the Merced National Wildlife Refuge in California.
December 23rd, 2018
Comments (2)

Alinna Lee
I absolutely adore this composition to include the environment in which the big bird lives! I live near San Francisco. Are a Californian? This is one of my favorite birds in California besides the white egret and hummingbird.
KJ Swan replied:
Thank you Alinna! Yep, I'm in California - born and raised here. Agreed: the Great Blue Heron, egrets and hummingbirds are all splendid.