Wet Nest - Clark's Grebe, California

by KJ Swan
Wet Nest - Clark's Grebe, California
KJ Swan
Warming eggs on a solid mound of aquatic vegetation, this Clark's Grebe (Aechmophorus clarkii) enjoys a warm early summer morning. It's white face is reflected in the calm waters of a central California lake.
These aquatic birds are often recognized for their elaborate mating displays where the couple 'skate' across the water side-by-side with heads held high. Once the couple have bonded, together they build a mound anchored to plants and roots extending down 2 to 10 feet (0.6 - 3m) into a soft lake bottom. They will lay their eggs on their 18-26 inch (46-64 cm) diameter nest and wait a few weeks for their babies to hatch.
Climate warming has already affected this species. Fluctuating water levels and the declining pH levels of lakes means trouble nesting and fewer invertebrate prey. Clark's Grebe have been classified as a species of greatest conservation need.
January 15th, 2022