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Blonde Sea Nettle by KJ Swan Purple-Stripes in Black and White by KJ Swan Bloody-Belly Comb Jelly  by KJ Swan Serval - Extreme Hunter by KJ Swan Elephant Curl by KJ Swan Night Symphony by KJ Swan California Kiss - Sea Lions by KJ Swan


Three-point Harmony - Sea Lions, Avila Beach by KJ Swan Shaggy - Yellowstone Bison by KJ Swan Feral by KJ Swan Striped Foal - Plains Zebra by KJ Swan Magical Marsupial - Koala by KJ Swan Hidden Elk in Black and White - Redwood National Park by KJ Swan Mouthful - Roosevelt Elk, Redwood National Park by KJ Swan

Amphibians & Reptiles

Green Tree Python  by KJ Swan Southwestern Speckled Rattlesnake by KJ Swan Hunting On Glass - Tree Frog by KJ Swan Loggerhead by KJ Swan Wild Captive - Mojave Green Rattlesnake by KJ Swan Sulcata - African Spurred Tortoise by KJ Swan Hieroglyphic Reed Frog Bathing In Dew by KJ Swan

Aquatic Animals

Bumpy Jelly by KJ Swan Canary Rockfish - Saved From Extinction by KJ Swan Purple-Stripes in Black and White by KJ Swan Bloody-Belly Comb Jelly  by KJ Swan It Isn't Easy Being Green - Giant Green Sea Anemone by KJ Swan Bubble Coral by KJ Swan Ampullae of Lorenzini - Shark by KJ Swan


Flying Through Seattle by KJ Swan Bee-eater - Bullock's Oriole by KJ Swan Good Morning - Burrowing Owl by KJ Swan Late Winter Clothes - Willow Ptarmigan by KJ Swan Crazy Cute - Tawny Frogmouth by KJ Swan Elegant - California Red-Shouldered Hawk by KJ Swan After the Dance - Clark's Grebe by KJ Swan

Flowers and Plants

Licking a Lollipop - White Peacock on Lollipop Plant by KJ Swan Romantic Flamingo Hydrangea by KJ Swan Lone Oak, California by KJ Swan Morning Light Red Rose by KJ Swan Singing In The Rain - Water Lily by KJ Swan Cactus Abstract by KJ Swan Crinkles - Iceland Poppy by KJ Swan

Insects & Spiders except Butterflies

A Sheep In Wolfs Clothing - Titiotus by KJ Swan The Red Baron - Flame Dragonfly by KJ Swan 8-Spotted Skimmer by KJ Swan Bee Visits Rosemary  by KJ Swan Wicked In Winter - European Crane Fly by KJ Swan Pretty In Pink - Katydid Nymph by KJ Swan Spider Fright - Redback Jumping Spider by KJ Swan


Hug-A-Tree - Bluewing Butterfly by KJ Swan Green-spotted Triangle Butterfly by KJ Swan Pink-spotted Cattleheart - Swallowtail by KJ Swan Licking a Lollipop - White Peacock on Lollipop Plant by KJ Swan Pollen-smoothie -Tiger Longwing  by KJ Swan Guatemalan Cracker  by KJ Swan Brushy-foot - Numata longwing by KJ Swan


Bisected Solar Halo by KJ Swan Golden Refuge - Merced National Wildlife Refuge California by KJ Swan CA Prime Real Estate $899,999 by KJ Swan Home On The Range - Alaska Range, Denali National Park by KJ Swan Wizard's Hat in the Witches Cauldron - Crater Lake National Park, Oregon by KJ Swan Alien Terrace - Mammoth Hot Springs,Yellowstone by KJ Swan Wet Rocks - Westport-Union Landing, California by KJ Swan


Sunning Princess - Cruise Ship by KJ Swan Build A Flying RV by KJ Swan 1957 Chevy Bowtie by KJ Swan I Spy A Winged Saucer - RQ-3A DarkStar UAV by KJ Swan Pratt and Whitney Turbofan by KJ Swan Cadillac Flames by KJ Swan Old Blue - '32 Chrysler by KJ Swan


Flying Through Seattle by KJ Swan CA Prime Real Estate $899,999 by KJ Swan Saucer - Space Needle, Seattle by KJ Swan Seattle Spark Plug by KJ Swan Palazzo Gold - Las Vegas Strip by KJ Swan Wet Sails - Sydney Opera House by KJ Swan Path of Gold - San Francisco by KJ Swan

Crystals & Minerals & Rocks

Rhodochrosite, Backlit by KJ Swan Wulfenite - Lead Frosted Flakes by KJ Swan Immortal Landscape - Fluorite by KJ Swan Copper Hair - Cyanotrichite by KJ Swan Topaz by KJ Swan Moonrise Over Painted Desert by KJ Swan Desert Gold - Zabriskie Point, Death Valley, California by KJ Swan

Northern Elephant Seals

Synchronized Swimmers - Northern Elephant Seals by KJ Swan Behind You - Northern Elephant Seal by KJ Swan Louder Than Thunder - Northern Elephant Seal, Piedras Blancas Elephant Seal Rookery, California by KJ Swan Puppy Eyes - Northern Elephant Seal by KJ Swan Boys Will Be Boys - Northern Elephant Seals by KJ Swan Brown Eyes - Elephant Seal  by KJ Swan Snuggling Sisters - Elephant Seals by KJ Swan

Macros & Close-ups

Wulfenite - Lead Frosted Flakes by KJ Swan Bloody-Belly Comb Jelly  by KJ Swan The Beautiful Sea Goddess - Spotted comb jelly by KJ Swan Licking a Lollipop - White Peacock on Lollipop Plant by KJ Swan The Red Baron - Flame Dragonfly by KJ Swan White Knuckles - Marbled Cellar Spider, California by KJ Swan Giant Red-tailed Catfish in Black and White by KJ Swan